Corruption is contrary to our values and is prohibited. Accordingly, we never offer, promise, grant or authorize, either directly or indirectly through any third party, the giving of money or anything of value to customers, suppliers or other third parties to influence decisions or obtain any outcome or improper advantage. This applies also in the reverse direction, so that no individual acting for or on behalf of allnex may accept or agree to accept anything of value with the intention of obtaining any improper advantage.
Facilitation or “grease” payments - small payments to expedite or to secure routine government action to which one is entitled - are considered bribes and are therefore prohibited.
Maintaining detailed and accurate books and records is crucial to our business as they guide our decision-making and are essential in terms of fulfilling our obligation to provide full and transparent disclosure to our stakeholders. Therefore, our books and records must correctly reflect all business transactions and expenditures, be complete, accurate and prepared in accordance with applicable laws as well as allnex’s own accounting and reporting policies and procedures.
We regularly interact – directly or indirectly - with public officials all around the world. The term “public official” is broadly defined and includes, for example, employees of federal, state or municipal regulators and administrators, employees of companies owned or partially owned by public bodies, employees of international organizations, politicians, as well as political parties and their representatives. Many jurisdictions apply stricter rules where interactions with public officials are concerned such as prohibiting the giving of anything of value. Therefore, we take particular care when interacting with public officials and make sure we always comply with applicable laws and our own internal standards.
All donation and sponsoring activities must be in line with allnex values and are made in compliance with our anti-corruption requirements. allnex never makes donations to political organizations, political parties or individual politicians.
Offering or accepting occasional gifts, entertainment or hospitality may occur in the normal course of business. However, we never use these as a way to influence business decisions or to obtain an improper advantage from a public official or a private person. We also never allow the impression to be created that our objectivity and impartiality may be affected by our offer or acceptance of such gifts. All gifts, entertainment and hospitality must be modest, appropriate in the given context and infrequent. In case of doubt, they are to be disclosed to one’s manager or to the allnex Legal Department.