すべてのニュースを表示 allnex celebrates the mechanical completion of production lines of the new manufacturing hub in Dushan Port, Jiaxing, China 4 24, 2023 Innovation Plans to develop the new Jiaxing manufacturing site into allnex world’s largest and most sustainable production base Strategic plans to double allnex presence in China by 2026 Grand opening of the site is planned for Q4 2023 Frankfurt, April 24, 2023 - allnex, the global leader in sustainable and innovative resins for industrial coatings, celebrates the mechanical completion of production lines of the new Jiaxing manufacturing hub in Dushan Port, China, and also 2 million man-hours of safe project execution. In May 2021, allnex announced plans to build a new world-class production base of environmentally-friendly high-performance resins, with the aim to promote green innovation and meet the growing demands of China and the global market for high-quality coatings, resins, and additives. Today, allnex celebrates an important milestone of this project - the mechanical completion of production lines and also 2 million man-hours of safe project execution. The new production base is located in the Dushan Port Economic Development Zone in Pinghu City, Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, covering an area of about 100,000 square meters. With a total constructional investment of about US $ 200 million, the new production base will strictly abide by world-class environmental protection standards. “China has implemented stringent environmental protection laws and regulations, leading industrial facilities to upgrade with novel automation and technological standards, while new infrastructure construction continues to accelerate in the country. All these factors contribute to an increasing demand for environmentally friendly , high-performance resins by Chinese customers. With the support of the local authorities , allnex has been rapidly pushing forward the construction of the new world-class facility, which will have allnex’s largest single site production capacity, the broadest portfolio of product technologies, as well as our most d advanced manufacturing technology ", says Joe Zou, Senior Vice President of allnex Greater China. “ The Jiaxing Manufacturing site’s current design will have a total of 15 production lines and is expected to enter into operation in stages within this year. “Our new site in Dushan Port will catapult our presence in China to a completely new dimension and play a pivotal role in achieving our strategic goal of doubling our presence in the country by 2026, thus reinforcing our position as the global market leader in industrial coating resins. This new base is therefore testimony to our ambition to keep growing and supporting the fast-growing Chinese market for industrial coating resins, which is also the world’s largest, especially at a crucial moment where green transitioning requires new innovative and local solutions to serve sectors such as the automotive, construction, industrial equipment, packaging and rail transportation industries”, says Miguel Mantas, allnex CEO. “I have witnessed this site evolve from an empty plot of land into what it is today. I am extremely proud of all my colleagues who have been participating in this fantastic project, and I thank everyone for their excellent efforts collaboration and hard work. At the same time, I also want to thank the leaders in Jiaxing, Pinghu City, and the Dushan Port Economic Development Zone for their continued collaboration and support throughout this project”, added Joe Zou, Senior Vice President of allnex Greater China. CORPORATE COMMUNICATION Daria Samonova Phone +49 15121129131 Daria.Samonova@allnex.com REGIONAL COMMUNICATION Joe Zou (Senior VP Greater China) Phone + 18613818205700 Joe.Zou@allnex.com Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram. www.allnex.com About allnex allnex is the world's leading manufacturer of industrial coating resins and additives for architectural, industrial, protective, automotive and specialty coatings and inks. allnex is recognized as a pioneer in specialty chemistry, offering an extensive product range that includes innovative liquid resins and additives, radiation-curing and powder coating resins and additives, and crosslinkers for use on wood, metal, plastic and other surfaces. Today, allnex has a strong global presence with 4000 employees worldwide, 33 production sites and 23 research and technology centers. < すべてのニュースを表示 共有 facebook 共有 linkedin