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allnex Speaks at CBIA Energy & Environment Conference

Jul 26, 2017 Trade Show
"allnex continually drives towards environmental management improvement, most notable through its voluntary TRI reductions.” Ginny Ryan, allnex-Wallingford’s Safety, Health and Environment Manager

Wallingford, Connecticut (July 26, 2017),  allnex-Wallingford’s Safety, Health and Environment Manager Ginny Ryan recently participated on a panel discussion at the 2017 Energy & Environment Conference hosted by the Connecticut Industry & Business Association (CBIA) in Farmington, Conn. Ryan was joined by Emilee Mooney Scott, Associate, Robinson+Cole and Chris Rascher, Environmental Engineer/Compliance Inspector USEPA for a lively discussion on the hot topics in chemical compliance.

“Staying on top of regulations is an ongoing challenge for all of us, especially in the manufacturing industry,” said Ryan. “However, allnex continually drives towards environmental management improvement, most notable through its voluntary TRI reductions.”

In the session, Ryan spoke about how allnex reduced its toxic release inventory (TRI) levels over the past several years initially with chemical substitutions in process chemistry and vessel cleaning and ending with the innovative Equalization Basin Floating Cover, her personal favorite. OSHA safety ratings, which continue to decline and are well below industry averages, were also touched upon.

“There are nearly 15,000 compliance points that we review annually for our wastewater discharge permit alone,” said Ryan. “We also analyze hundreds of parameters which many have multiple limits. We do this for air compliance as well for our boilers and other equipment.”

The daylong event was well attended by industry executives who learned more about topics including the newest energy and environmental legislation, why electric rates are on the rise in Connecticut and EPA updates.

For more information about allnex, contact Frank DiCristina at
