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Allnex Netherlands supports local foundation to strengthen education about nature and sustainability

Oct 9, 2019 Corporate

Recently Allnex Netherlands has become a strategic partner of the local foundation “Natuurpodium Brabantse Wal” and will support the objective that young people in the region regularly participate in the educational program of the “Natuurpodium Brabantse Wal” during their time in primary and secondary education. The partnership is entered into for the 2019-2020 school year with the intention of renewing it annually. Allnex finds the cooperation well suited to its role as a large employer with involvement in the local environment. Partnership with this foundation gives the opportunity to get  young people acquainted with the company’s sustainability initiatives and to interest them in a sustainable career in the chemical industry.

In recent years the foundation has given nature and sustainability education a huge boost in the education program for children in the age of 4 – 16 years.  Since 2015 more than 20.000 primary and secondary school students have already participated. 

Allnex Netherlands is the newest partner for this foundation. Their network is growing and together with regional governments, education and entrepreneurs allnex is committed to a generation that grows up with nature and sustainability.

The biggest challenge is to make even more education in nature and sustainability possible in the region. Allnex as a new partner will contribute to the realization of these ambition supporting the primary goal of delivering customized education with our (technical) expertise and knowledge.