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Allnex participates in “GREEN TO WORK WEEK”:The Sustainable Mobility Week For The Home To Workplace Route

set 14, 2015 Corporate
Allnex, employees from other important firms of Bassano Del Grappa and local public authorities are invited to leave their cars at home this week and to use a ‘green way’ to get to work.

Green to Work Week is an initiative based on the desire of some firms and the local public authorities of Bassano Del Grappa to stimulate carpooling or the use of green mobility practices during the third week of September.

From, the 14th to 19th of September, coinciding with the European Mobility Week and the bicycle Festival “Piano per Bassano”, all employees from participating firms  and local  authorities are invited to leave their cars at home. The only exception is if you carpool with other employees.
The purpose is to promote a sustainable mobility culture and show that it is possible to go to work in a “clean and healthy” way.

Carpooling, public transport, riding a bike or simply walking are healthy choices the environment, the body and even the wallet.

“Let’s burn fat and not oil, save money and gain in health!” is the motto of the initiative that wants to underline the double benefit of changing habits.

Allnex, Baxi, Climaveneta, Del Clima, Favini, Manfrotto, Masters, Mevis and some other public authorities from Bassano del Grappa are the protagonists of the Green to Work Week.