UCECOAT® 2803 is an acrylated polyurethane dispersion in water designed for waterborne UV/EB curable inkjet inks. It is anionically stabilized in water without any external emulsifier. It is not stable under acidic conditions. This product contains no co-solvent and exhibits favorable ink jetting properties associated with its water resolubility before cure. UCECOAT® 2803 provides hard cured coating along with good stain and chemical resistance.

  • 地域

    ヨーロッパ、中東、アフリカ; ラテンアメリカ; 北アメリカ

  • 製品グループ

    WB-UV Curable

  • 市場アプリケーション

    Packaging Coatings & Inks

  • セグメントアプリケーション

    Paint & Coatings

  • ケミストリー

    Waterborne UV acrylates

  • 技術

    Waterborne radiation curable resins

  • 配合の優位性

    Long potlife

  • 用途の優位性

    Suitable for inkjet inks

    Suitable for over print varnishes (OPV)

    Faster cycle time

    Long potlife

    Low temperature curing

    Lower energy consumption

    No or low flammability

  • 最終製品の優位性

    Improved hardness

    Improved mechanical resistance

    Improved flexibility

  • グリーンな属性

    Tin – Non Intended

    Solvent free technology

    Low/zero VOC


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