EBECRYL® P39 is a polymeric benzophenone derivative diluted with 25% of EBECRYL® LEO 10501 that functions as the photosensitizer in hydrogen abstraction type radical photoinitiator systems. EBECRYL® P39 has been designed for use in the formulation of UV coatings that exhibit little or no odor after curing. It has recommended levels are from 8 to 10% based on total formulation. It should be used in combination with amine co-initiators such as EBECRYL® P115 or EBECRYL® 7100.\n\nEBECRYL® P39 is recommended for use in over print varnishes where low residual odor is required.

  • 地域

    中国を除くアジア; オーストラリア・ニュージーランド; ヨーロッパ、中東、アフリカ; 中華圏; ラテンアメリカ; 北アメリカ

  • 製品グループ


  • 市場アプリケーション

    Packaging Coatings & Inks

  • セグメントアプリケーション

    Paint & Coatings

  • ケミストリー


  • 技術


  • 配合の優位性

    Good compatibility

    Long potlife

  • 用途の優位性

    Faster cycle time

    Long potlife

    Low temperature curing

    Lower energy consumption

    No or low flammability

  • 最終製品の優位性

    Low migration

    Improved flexibility

    Good balance of properties

  • グリーンな属性

    Bisphenol A (BPA) – Non Intended

    Reducing energy consumption

    Solvent free technology

    Low/zero VOC

    Tin – Non Intended


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