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A Message from allnex - Penrose, New Zealand

18 октября 2017 г Corporate
In 2016 the New Zealand Government introduced regulations for a Major Hazard Facility as part of the New Zealand Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

In 2016 the New Zealand Government introduced regulations for a Major Hazard Facility as part of the New Zealand Health and Safety at Work Act 2015.

allnex (previously Nuplex Industries) was advised in August 2016 that its manufacturing operations at Penrose were deemed a Major Hazard Facility. As a result, the site has to submit a Safety Case report to the regulator Worksafe by April 2018 as part of the process to be a licensed operator of a Major Hazard Facility.

This Fact Sheet contains important information for the local community about allnex’s operations, located at its premise bounded by 2 -14 Industry Road and 711 – 719 Great South Road Penrose, as it transitions to being a licensed Major Hazard Facility.

allnex is committed to active and transparent engagement with the community as it makes this transition, and I hope you find this Fact Sheet informative. It is imperative to us that our neighbours and the broader community understand the responsibilities we have as a Major Hazard Facility and also has confidence in allnex’s operations at the Penrose site.

As we progress our Safety Case with the regulator we will endeavour to provide updates to the community.

We welcome your feedback and questions on any of the details highlighted in this Fact Sheet.