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Step into the world of allnex sustainable chemistry at the Greener Manufacturing Show 2023

6 октября 2023 г Trade Show
allnex, a leading producer of specialty polymers, will exhibit for the first time at the Greener Manufacturing Show (GMS) to be held on November 8 and 9 in Cologne, Germany.

Participation to the Show is a unique opportunity to showcase our company’s dedication to sustainable innovation while unveiling our best-in-class solutions, offering a diverse range of specialty polymers, tailored to evaluate formulations across various industries.

To get a flavour of what visitors can expect :
  1. Mobility & Transportation: solutions for automotive coatings and battery components, ushering in a new era of eco-friendly mobility.
  2. Packaging & Consumer Goods: solutions that recycle plastics and make packaging and consumer goods environmentally friendly.
  3. Construction & Infrastructure: developments like the use of 3D printing in construction and specialty polymers that play a vital role in renewable energy infrastructure.

allnex presence at the event aligns perfectly with our company’s mission to introduce INNOVATIVE CHEMISTRY FOR ALL NEX>T GENERATIONS as it encapsulates our focus and drives progress towards a world where imagination knows no bounds. To be at the GMS means engaging with the forefront of sustainable innovation, building partnerships and creating a greener future for all.  

We invite you to join us in revolutionizing industries where your vision transforms into reality, and together we build a brighter, more sustainable word.

Visit us Hall 10.1 – E140

Like to learn more?

about allnex and sustainability
Sustainability Is Our Commitment, ECOWISE™ Is Our Promise - allnex

about the Greener Manufacturing Show
The Greener Manufacturing Show 2023 | Cologne, Germany (greener-manufacturing.com)

Corporate Communications
Daria Samonova

allnex is a leading producer of specialty polymers with a clear focus on sustainability. We have key positions in coating markets and beyond, across industries in mobility & transportation, construction & infrastructure as well as packaging & consumer goods.

With manufacturing facilities and R&D centers located around the world, the allnex group offers access to a huge global network of innovation and provides responsive, local support to our customers, helping them to quickly bring advanced solutions to market. Formed in 2016 by the merger of two leading resin companies, we‘ve recently further strengthened (y)our business by becoming part of major international player PTT Global Chemical.