EBECRYL® 3300 is a highly reactive epoxy acrylate, diluted in DPGDA. When formulated and cross-linked with other suitable radiation curable oligomers and reactive diluents, it results in durable, hard-elastic and chemically resistant coating films of high quality. It is recommended for use in clear or pigmented coatings on metal substrates, and coatings for paper, paperboard, wood, chipboard and rigid plastics where a compromise between adhesion, flexibility and hardness is necessary.

  • 地域

    中国を除くアジア; オーストラリア・ニュージーランド; ヨーロッパ、中東、アフリカ; 中華圏; ラテンアメリカ; 北アメリカ

  • 製品グループ

    Modified Epoxyacrylates

  • 市場アプリケーション

    Coil & Pre-Coated Metal; Industrial Wood; Specialty Coatings; Industrial Metal; Composites Raw Materials

  • セグメントアプリケーション

    Paint & Coatings; Performance Applications

  • ケミストリー

    Epoxy acrylates

  • 技術

    Radiation curable resins

  • 配合の優位性

    Good compatibility

    Long potlife

  • 用途の優位性

    Faster cycle time

    Long potlife

    Low temperature curing

    Lower energy consumption

    No or low flammability

  • 最終製品の優位性

    Direct to metal

    Excellent adhesion

    High gloss potential

    Good balance of properties

    Improved chemical resistance

    Improved corrosion resistance

  • グリーンな属性

    Low/zero VOC

    Reducing energy consumption

    Solvent free technology

    Tin – Non Intended


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