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TYPE\nCationic, high molecular wetting and dispersing agent for inorganic and organic pigments\n\nSPECIAL PROPERTIES\nAdditol® XL 6594 improves wetting and dispersing of all types of pigments. It shortens dispersing time and improves gloss levels. Re-flocculation is prevented through steric stabilization and flood and float-free colors are obtained, especially when blends of pigments are used.\n\nSUGGESTED USES\nBesides its excellent pigment wetting properties, Additol® XL 6594 shows wide compatibility in different solvent borne resins systems, such as:\n\n- Acrylic polyols (APO) for vehicle refinish and industrial coatings.\n- Thermoplastic acrylates (TPA)\n- Alkyds and OH functional Polyesters\n- Aldehyde resin for pigment pastes\n- Epoxy resins\n\nIt is recommended to be used in direct grinds together with resins as well as in pigment pastes based on grinding resins\n\nPROCESSING \nThe recommended quantity of Additol XL 6594 to be added, calculated on pigment, is as follows: \nfor titanium dioxides: 3-5%\nfor inorganic pigments: 10 - 20.0 % \nfor organic pigment: 30 - 60.0 %.\nfor carbon black: 80.0 -100.0 %\n\nWe recommend determining the optimum quantity of Additol XL 6594 for each pigment or each pigment blend.\n
中国を除くアジア; ヨーロッパ、中東、アフリカ; 中華圏; ラテンアメリカ
Infrastructure; Additives; Decorative; Coil & Pre-Coated Metal; Automotive OEM; Industrial Metal; Industrial Wood; Marine & Protective; Vehicle Refinish
Composites; Paint & Coatings
Additives; Dispersing & wetting agent
Good compatibility
Good pigment wetting properties
Dissolver qualified
Low sedimentation
Shear stability
Low pigment floatation
Faster cycle time
Lower energy consumption
Higher sagging resistance
Improved appearance
Improved DOI / dullness
Improved color stability
Improved corrosion resistance
Higher pigment loading
High gloss potential
Good balance of properties
Anti orange peel effect
Direct to metal
NMP – Non Intended
Reducing energy consumption
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