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UCECOAT® 2806 is a low migration acrylated polyurethane dispersion in water designed for waterborne UV/EB curable inkjet inks. It is very low in viscosity, has low surface tension and good water resolubility. It is anionic in nature, making it compatible with water without any external emulsifier. Due to the presence of these ionic groups, it is not stable under highly acidic conditions. This product contains no co-solvent. UCECOAT® 2806 exhibits good properties concerning the jetting and water resolubility before cure which are key requirements for inkjet application. UCECOAT® 2806 provides hardness in the polymerized coating along with good stain and chemical resistance.
中国を除くアジア; オーストラリア・ニュージーランド; ヨーロッパ、中東、アフリカ; 中華圏; ラテンアメリカ; 北アメリカ
WB-UV Curable
Packaging Coatings & Inks
Paint & Coatings
Waterborne UV acrylates
Waterborne radiation curable resins
Long potlife
Suitable for inkjet inks
Suitable for over print varnishes (OPV)
Faster cycle time
Low temperature curing
Lower energy consumption
No or low flammability
Bisphenol A (BPA) – Non Intended
Low/zero VOC
Reducing energy consumption
Tin – Non Intended
Solvent free technology
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