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MODAFLOW® Resin -flow/leveling/levelling- is an acrylic flow modifier without silicone addition. It is used in non-aqueous industrial coatings and powder coatings to improve flow and leveling, reduce pinholes, fisheyes, craters, and orange peel; and to improve substrate wetting. This product also helps maintain or improve substrate adhesion, to defoam and aid in air release, and to facilitate pigment dispersion.
中国を除くアジア; オーストラリア・ニュージーランド; ヨーロッパ、中東、アフリカ; 中華圏; ラテンアメリカ; 北アメリカ
Automotive OEM; Coil & Pre-Coated Metal; Industrial Metal; Industrial Wood; Marine & Protective; Packaging Coatings & Inks; Specialty Coatings; Additives; Vehicle Refinish; Construction Performance; Performance Additives
Paint & Coatings; Performance Applications
Additives; Flow and leveling
Additives; Radiation curable additives; Solventborne/Solventfree resins
Freeze-thaw stability
Good compatibility
Shear stability
Clear coat
Direct to Metal
Improved Rheology
No or less odor
No or low flammability
Reduced surface preparation
Suitable for flexography inks
Suitable for inkjet inks
Suitable for lithography inks
Suitable for over print varnishes (OPV)
Suitable for Screen & Gravure inks
Improved degassing
Improved DOI / dullness
FDA approved
Food contact compliant
Heat resistance
High gloss potential
Improved appearance
Low migration
Indirect food packaging
Low color for clearcoat
Overbake resistance
Low/zero VOC
Food contact (FDA)
APEO - Non Intended
Tin – Non Intended
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