すべてのニュースを表示 allnex to Exhibit at Asia Pacific Coatings Show Bangkok, Thailand 2023 8 7, 2023 Trade Show allnex, the leading global producer of industrial coating resins and additives, offering household, industrial, automotive and consumer goods coatings and inks, will be participating in Asia Pacific Coatings Show 2023 which will take place at the Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre, Thailand on September 6-8, 2023. At the booth, allnex will be introducing portfolios of eco-friendly products, including waterborne resins, high solid resins, powder coatings, energy curable resins, WB UV coating resins, additives, phenolic crosslinkers, amino crosslinkers, catalysts and so on. End use samples of allnex innovative developments will be available at the booth for our customers, and allnex chemists will be available for any discussions or questions about the allnex product line. Sustainability is a commitment to our stakeholders. We embrace this responsibility and stay focused and dedicated to pursuing a greener and more sustainable future together with our customers. Come to meet allnex at Booth B11! Look forward to seeing you there! Our presentations Title : Innovation & Sustainable Development Solutions For Wheel Industry Application Date & Time : September 7, 15:00-15:20 pm ( UTC+7 ) Speaker : Supunnee Supeerapat, Regional Technical Service & Business Development Mgr. (SEAO) in Powder Coating and Radiation Curing Technologies To register : https://register.asiapacificcoatingsshow.com/ To learn more, please contact your regular sales contact and / or send an email to our regional communication specialist below. REGIONAL COMMUNICATION Lina Shi Phone +86 21 64048011-202 lina.shi@allnex.com Sook Mun sookmun.lee@allnex.com Follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram. www.allnex.com About allnex allnex is the world's leading manufacturer of industrial coating resins and additives for architectural, industrial, protective, automotive and specialty coatings and inks. allnex is recognized as a pioneer in specialty chemistry, offering an extensive product range that includes innovative liquid resins and additives, radiation-curing and powder coating resins and additives, and crosslinkers for use on wood, metal, plastic and other surfaces. Today, allnex has a strong global presence with 4000 employees worldwide, 33 production sites and 23 research and technology centers. < すべてのニュースを表示 共有 facebook 共有 linkedin