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SETAL® 21-3462

SETAL 21-3462 is a high solids long-oil alkyd resin designed for use in color retentive, durable, exterior grade trade sales paints. This resin is frequently used as a modifier for acrylic and polyvinyl acrylate-based latex paints to improve adhesion over chalky substrates. SETAL 21-3462 also improves brushing qualities of medium and long oil based house paints.

  • Regions

    Latin America; North America

  • Product Group

    Solventborne Alkyds

  • Market Applications


  • Segment Applications

    Paint & Coatings

  • Chemistry

    Alkyd; Long oil

  • Technology

    Solventborne/Solventfree resins

  • Final Product Advantages

    Improved inter-coat adhesion

  • Green Attributes

    High solids

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